Foley Alabama Attorneys
(251) 444-7000

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Seasoned Mobile Slip-and-Fall Lawyer

Slipping and falling on a wet surface can lead to serious injuries. In an instant, you or someone you care about may suffer serious personal injury due to a slip and fall at a restaurant, retail store, hotel, swimming pool, or some other public location. According to one recent study, slip-and-fall rates in the United States increased an enormous 30% between 2007 and 2016 for older adults.

If these rates continue to increase, by the end of this decade, there could be approximately seven deaths from slip-and-fall accidents every hour. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control indicated that one out of every five slip-and-fall accidents causes serious injuries like broken bones or even a head injury.

All told, falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in the country, to say nothing of the other harrowing stats the CDC discovered. That’s why the Mobile slip-and-fall injury lawyers at Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers take these situations incredibly seriously.

We’re award-winning slip-and-fall attorneys who have recovered millions for our clients over the years, and we’re honored to have the opportunity to do the same thing for you. We know what can happen to someone’s life if the injuries from a slip-and-fall accident are left unaddressed, and we do not want to see that happen to you.


Contact the Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers team at (251) 444-7000 to learn more about how we can help.

Why Choose Us?

At Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers, we pride ourselves on being more than just your typical slip-and-fall lawyers. We’re true partners in every sense of the term – ones committed to fighting for your rights and getting you the fair compensation you deserve for your accident. Here are some reasons to choose us:

Expertise in Slip and Fall Cases

Our experienced attorneys have in-depth knowledge of these cases’ intricate legal complexities. We understand the nuances of premises liability laws and how to navigate them effectively to secure maximum compensation for our clients.

Personalized Client-Centric Approach

We understand that every case is unique, and each client has distinct needs and concerns. We take the time to listen to you, thoroughly assess your case, and tailor a legal strategy accordingly. This personalized approach ensures you receive the attention and support you deserve throughout the legal process.

Seasoned Litigators

Slip-and-fall cases require aggressive litigation to secure a favorable outcome. Our seasoned litigators are unafraid to take your case to court if necessary. Our courtroom experience and strong advocacy skills give you a distinct advantage in achieving a successful resolution.

Comprehensive Resources

We have the resources and expertise to investigate your slip-and-fall accident thoroughly. This includes gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, consulting with experts, and building a robust case on your behalf. This commitment to exhaustive preparation ensures no stone is left unturned in seeking compensation for your injuries.


Contact the Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers team by calling (251) 444-7000 to learn more about what we can do to help you in the wake of your slip-and-fall accident.

How We Can Help

Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers understand how time-consuming, stressful, and all-around-difficult Mobile slip-and-fall accidents can be. That’s why we want to reduce your stress as much as possible by helping in the following ways.

  • Thorough Investigation: One of the key steps in building a strong slip-and-fall case is conducting a thorough investigation. We will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and examine your accident’s circumstances.
  • Expert Witness Support: To bolster your case, we will consult expert witnesses, such as medical and accident reconstruction specialists. These experts will provide valuable insights and testimony to establish the extent of your injuries and the cause of the slip and fall.
  • Maximizing Compensation: We will assess the full extent of your damages, including lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and future costs. We will negotiate with insurance companies and, if necessary, pursue litigation to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.
  • Negotiation and Litigation: Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who will seek a fair settlement for you. However, if a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached through negotiation, we will take your case to court.

How to Prove Liability in a Slip-and-Fall Accident Claim

In a slip-and-fall accident case, the injured party must prove that the property owner either created the hazardous conditions leading to the injury or was aware of an existing hazard but failed to address it reasonably. Three essential elements must be proven in a premises liability case:

  • The property owner owed a duty of care to maintain a safe environment.
  • They breached this duty of care.
  • The breach of duty directly resulted in the victim’s injury.

Determining the viability of your claim and proving liability in slip-and-fall accident cases can be difficult. During your initial consultation, our personal injury attorneys evaluate your case and offer straightforward advice on the most effective steps to take. If a valid claim exists, we begin establishing liability by gathering evidence, including photographs of the accident scene and your injuries, incident reports, medical records, witness statements related to your injuries, and any other pertinent information.

What Happens if I Am Partially to Blame for My Injury?

In certain instances, an insurance company or property owner may attempt to assign blame to the victim for their injury. This strategy is employed because Alabama adheres to one of the strictest contributory negligence standards.

Under Alabama’s pure contributory negligence law, any victim who played even a minor role in causing the accident or injury cannot seek compensation for their losses. In simpler terms, if you bore even the slightest responsibility for your slip and fall, the state’s pure contributory negligence standard prohibits you from seeking compensation for your injuries and damages.

It’s important to note that this standard doesn’t apply to all cases, especially those involving children or individuals who lack mental competence. The law recognizes that children and some adults may not possess the mental capacity to understand certain risks.

Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Slip-and-Fall Lawsuit in Mobile, Alabama?

You must file a slip-and-fall lawsuit within a two-year window from the date of the accident.

The statute of limitations governing injury claims associated with falls offers few exceptions. One possible exception is if the victim is a minor or someone lacking mental competence, which could extend the deadline for filing a slip-and-fall claim. Additionally, an exception might apply if the victim does not discover the injury until later. However, it’s crucial never to assume a time frame exceeding two years for filing a slip-and-fall lawsuit.

Moreover, the time frame for filing a slip-and-fall claim could be significantly shorter in specific scenarios. When a government entity or agency is involved, the window shrinks to just six months for submitting a claim; failing to do so within this time frame could result in the forfeiture of your right to pursue a lawsuit for your injuries.

To protect your legal right to hold the property owner accountable for damages and injuries, it is advisable to promptly reach out to a Mobile slip-and-fall attorney after sustaining an injury.

How Much Is My Mobile Slip-and-Fall Claim Worth?

Severe injuries and lasting disabilities can significantly increase the worth of a slip-and-fall claim. Expenses related to future medical treatments, ongoing personal care, and lost income can be substantial. However, even in less severe cases, substantial damages can be incurred.

Typical damages associated with slip-and-fall accidents include:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Loss of Income and Benefits
  • Decreased Earning Capacity
  • Personal Care Expenditures
  • Travel Costs
  • Emotional Distress
  • Physical Pain and Suffering
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Decline in Quality of Life.

Assessing the value of these damages can pose a challenge. While financial losses can be substantiated with bills, invoices, and payroll records, noneconomic damages, like pain and suffering, lack a definitive invoice or standardized formula for valuation.

A Mobile slip-and-fall accident attorney has the expertise needed to evaluate these damages based on the specific details of your case.

FAQs About Mobile Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Every slip-and-fall accident is unique, meaning there really is no “one size fits all” approach to getting you the fair compensation you deserve. Because of that, it can be natural to have a few questions about the process and what you can expect moving forward.

Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions our clients tend to have in these situations.

If I was injured at the home of a neighbor, can I sue even if I was invited?

The answer varies on how the slip-and-fall accident happened. However, even if you were invited, hosts are still responsible for providing safe conditions to everyone in the area.

If you tripped and fell over a particular piece of poorly installed carpeting that the homeowner knew about, for example, which should have been addressed before you were invited, it’s likely that you can pursue compensation for your injuries.

If I fell at a store, will I receive compensation from that business?

This is another situation where the specifics will dictate much of what follows. Stores are among the many public places responsible for keeping areas – especially floors – safe for customers of all ages.

If a floor gets slippery and you fall, you would need to prove that the conditions were there for a relatively long period or that store employees knew of it before the accident. This is entirely possible.

I warned an employee about dangerous floor conditions and still fell. Is that okay?

Absolutely. This can help prove that employees were aware of the dangerous conditions and still did nothing about it, putting them at fault for any injuries you sustained.

A slip-and-fall accident is a dire situation – which is why the Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers team remains singularly committed to getting you the results you deserve so that you can finally put this situation behind you.

Contact Us Today

If you’d like to find out more information about what the right team of Mobile slip-and-fall accident lawyers can do for your case, or if you would like to talk to someone about your own needs in more detail, please don’t hesitate to call Caldwell Wenzel Asthana Injury Lawyers today at (251) 444-7000.